
head sitting

head sitting
Originally uploaded by hairycarrot
Jacques did get a new buddy. They are just getting used to each other, but it's working out. Jacques now endures many or the bizarre behaviors that he did to Arcanus. To begin with, Parsley sits on his head.
Parsley also destroys boxes even more intently than Jacques does. He demolishes each edge.


natasha said...

do you get their teef clipped? my friend has lots of rats and she has to get them done. i never knew! i had mice and they are odd that way too. actually, i have had cats that tried to step/sit on the other cats' heads. not nice.

hairycarrot said...

One I used to have needed his teeth clipped because he didn't grind them a lot. But it was just one time. Everybody else has been pretty good. They like their crunchy food, and chewing cardboard.
He still pushes his head and climbs on Jacques all the time. Jacques is really tolerant of annoying baby behavior. I wish I could dress them up, but they won't even wear a leash.

hairycarrot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr